Hibiscus, a beauty with utility


Hibiscus yellow

Among all the nature provided flowers, Hibiscus is the one which could be termed as the mystical and magnificent, in terms of bewitching beauty and multiutility for mankind. It is the national flower of Malaysia.

Hibiscus belongs to the family Malvacae, and the most prolific one is scientifically called, hibiscus rosa-sinensis, commonly known as, China rose, Hawaiian hibiscus, rose mallow, shoe black plant and Gurhal in Hindi.

Hibiscus red

There are about 220 different species of hibiscus in the world, and each variety differs in size, shape, and color. The most common flower is of vibrant red color and can be found in different colors also, like White, Pink, Red, Purple, Pink, Peach & Orange. However, it is surprising to know that some of these species change their color with age. 

* Fun fact - Hibiscus is edible and is eaten in pacific islands, also used in hair care and shoe polishes.

Hibiscus lemon yellow

Why go for Hibiscus ? 

Due to its availability in different hues, color and vibrancy the Hibiscus is in high demand across the world round the year.

Some commercial applications are, in skin creams and hair industry under cosmetics, shoe polishes, paper industry.

The most common use is Hibiscus tea and it is catching up fast as an alternate and multi health beneficial drink instead of traditional tea, as it has potential to treat, high blood pressure, high tension, disturbed digestion and immune system, anxiety, inflammatory problems and liver diseases.

It is an important commercial flower grown through out the world in a wide range of climatic conditions. 

Hibiscus deep pink

Major Species 

East African Hibiscus (H. schizopetalus), Rose of Sharon (H. syriacus), Chinese Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-Sinensis), Mahoe (H. tiliaceus), Kenaf (H. cannabinus) and Roselle (H. sabdariffa).

When is the best time for hibiscus ?

Hibiscus needs full sunlight to grow well, hence the best suitable time is from April to August. Also for the growing plants we have to take special care for winter and should protect them from frost.


It needs a well drained soil, moist and rich in nutrient soil. But avoid heavy moisture in winters, adding mulch will help in retaining moisture.

Hibiscus mixed color


Flowering depends on the variety and so does the flower size and color, but to get a good bloom we need to prune the plant occasionally.



Pests like aphids, jassids and white fly can be controlled with timely spray of available pesticide in the right dose required with respect to the plant size.

Nutrient Management

Gorgeous flowers can only be obtained by good nutrition, luckily the Hibiscus shrub does not require heavy nutrition. Balanced nutrients with a little extra dose of phosphorous will do wonders.

Reference, Bibliography and Images   









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